Progress home Tour
I’ve been putting of sharing a home tour because I wanted it to be complete but soon realized if I waited for that it may never happen. So, instead you are getting a look of how far we’ve come since moving in at the end of May.
My favorite room so far has been the kitchen because it has gone through the greatest transformation. It started out all cold and white which is not my style. Tim refused to let me paint the cabinets because they were brand new which would have been my first move. Since that wasn’t an option I found other ways to warm up the space and add personality. My go to for quick and easy impact? Paint. The main walls are painted Behr: Moss Stone and the accent wall is PPG: Deep Forest Pine. Both in a flat finish which is all I’ve been using in this house. Another game changer was switching out the cabinet pulls. My dad made these long simple wooden pulls that add so much visual interest and lead your eyes throughout the space. The last thing we did which was so easy and changed the whole look of the space was remove the molding on the top of the cabinets. It immediately made the room clean and modern. The cactus were the final touch, I love the different shades of green that play with the walls and how the pink and terra-cotta pots really pop.
Tim hand painted and gold leafed the numbers on our house in the Pelican basketball jersey number style. I’ll share more details about this when we complete the exterior this fall.
The dining room clearly is still a work in progress. We had a dining table but it ended up not being quite right for the space so the hunt continues for just the right piece which means I search craigslist and facebook marketplace every day until my eyes bleed. I’m practicing patience in a very impatient way ;) One of my favorite details in this space is the painted door that stretches up and across the ceiling accentuating the 12’ walls. The color is Farrow&Ball: Setting Plaster. Then there are the dramatic yellow velvet floor to ceiling curtains! They were custom made by Tonic Living. The fabric is Mason Velvet, Yellow Sunshine which is incredibly fitting for this room that is flooded by sunlight in the morning. If you’re looking for pillows this is my go-to source as well. The dining chairs were an amazing facebook marketplace score as well as the mirror next to the door. The crazy tooth-looking console which is my prized possession was found at Nadeau. The shelves and brackets are from Rejuvenation.
Through the dining room and into the living room. Still looking for just the right something above the couch and some large statement lighting. Paint color is PPG: True Peach. The couch was free, the coffee tables were thrifted as well as the leather chairs, tulip lamp and the curved coffee table being used as an end table. We (mostly Tim) built the floating shelves out of stud and plywood for $100 dollars which I’ve covered in a previous post : Floating shelves. I’m taking my time collecting pieces that mean something for the shelves. A good collection doesn’t happen over night.
One of my favorite details in here is the orange accent in the door frame.
Tim’s office will have a gallery wall of his collected art and we have these great benches which I explained how to make in an older post. The walls are painted Farrow&Ball: Pigeon.
The laundry room finally has amazing storage thanks to Tim and I plan to wallpaper this WHOLE ROOM. Here’s a few progress shots of the cupboards being built.
Of course the guest bathroom of my dreams and the one I actually use every day. We warmed this space up with the same green paint in the kitchen (moss stone) a wooden mirror from Nadeau, gorgeous vintage rug from Swoon Rugs and frond wallpaper from Anthropologie which, yes, we hung up by ourselves. No budget to hire people to do the work in this house so we figure it out ourselves! We used extra glue to secure it to the ceiling and I plan on using an additional clear coat for the top to protect against mold. I’ll be doing this in our master bathroom as well with a different paper and will share the step by step in a new post so keep an eye out.
The master bedroom has a ways to go still but so far we’ve got this great brownish orange-ish paint which I love! Behr: Toasted Bagel. Sconces from Schoolhouse and end tables from Nadeau. The white lamp on the dresser came all the way from Australia in my carry on luggage. A $20 thrift score! The wire cactus was handmade by a women in Portland Oregon, she sold it to me before she moved. The bedding is from The White Room Interiors and the cute little pillows custom made with our dogs faces on them from Indie Bungalow.
I have no updates for the master bath but that is our next project! Stay tuned.